Maid ni Tensei shitara, Ukkari Ryuuou-sama no Ibukuro Tsukanjaimashita: Moto Ponkotsu OL wa Saikyou Ryourinin!?
Maid ni Tensei shitara, Ukkari Ryuuou-sama no Ibukuro Tsukanjaimashita: Moto Ponkotsu OL wa Saikyou Ryourinin!?
Тип: | Манга |
Статус: | Выходит |
Жанры: | |
Год выпуска: | июнь 2021 |
Другие названия: |
Leila is a woman who used to work in an office. Now, she's suddenly fallen into a new fantasy world called "The Dragon Kingdom." While falling out of the sky, she was saved by a giant dragon and decided that from now on her name is Lylac. Now she will live in the castle of the king of this nation, the Dragon Lord, and have the opportunity to work. However... the workers never take breaks and are constantly overworked!
Lylac, with her kitchen servant status and knowledge of modern cooking, tries to get the staff to take breaks and enjoy lunchtime meals! In the midst of positive change in the kitchen, Lylac's soup dish accidentally gets sent to the Dragon Lord himself?! Lylac was prepared for the worst, but in audience with the Dragon Lord, she is told "make this soup for me every day from now on." What?! The Dragon Lord now has a taste for Lylac's cooking! An alluring fantasy story of friendships, romance, and delicious food!
(Source: Starts Publishing)
Lylac, with her kitchen servant status and knowledge of modern cooking, tries to get the staff to take breaks and enjoy lunchtime meals! In the midst of positive change in the kitchen, Lylac's soup dish accidentally gets sent to the Dragon Lord himself?! Lylac was prepared for the worst, but in audience with the Dragon Lord, she is told "make this soup for me every day from now on." What?! The Dragon Lord now has a taste for Lylac's cooking! An alluring fantasy story of friendships, romance, and delicious food!
(Source: Starts Publishing)
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